Regrets (Friday Fictioneers)

Regrets (Friday Fictioneers)

Photo Credit: Ken Bonham

This story takes place in the 1940’s and should not be judged through 2017 eyes. Back then women had few rights when it came to their children, marriage, and divorce.

Rose left her children before they formed memories of her.  At 16, her step-dad arranged a marriage, a means of ridding himself of her. By 18, she was the mother of two healthy boys: a perfect baby-making machine.  The marriage soured like the alcohol on his breath and at 21, Rose walked out the door, leaving her babies behind.  Because this is what the women in her family did. They moved on. But before leaving for good, Rose sat in her car, across from the school yard, watching her boys play; hoping she did the right thing.


This story was inspired by a photo prompt posted on Friday Fictioneer’s, a weekly challenge to write a complete story in 100 words or less. Photo Prompt provided by Ken Bonham.

12 thoughts on “Regrets (Friday Fictioneers)

    1. Thank you for reading. The character is a blending of two members of my family and a hope on my part that there were regrets for the decision that was made.

  1. Okay, this one really strikes a chord with me. As a therapist, I’ve worked with women just like your heroine. It’s still happening today. It’s true that women have more opportunity now than in the 1940’s, but money is still the main reason a woman stays in a marriage with an awful man. There isn’t always a happy ending.

  2. This is a nightmare scenario for any mother. Women sure had a difficult time in a “Mans World” in the forties. Poor Rose! Wonderful imaginative story! Well written! Nan

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