The Unimaginable (Friday Fictioneers)

The Unimaginable (Friday Fictioneers)

Photo Credit: J. Hardy Carroll

My view of the world changed April 19, 1995.

“There’s smoke coming from downtown”, someone yelled.  

A plume of black smoke billowed on the horizon. Rumors flew: a gas leak caused an explosion at the YMCA. Something explainable. Something I could wrap my mind around. We made stupid jokes, not knowing better. We hoped everyone was all right.

Moments later we learned a different truth. 

The truck bomb that exploded in downtown Oklahoma City obliterated the entire front of the building, causing major damage for 16-blocks. 168 deaths, including 19 children.

 I had no basis for imagining such horror. 

Not exactly fiction, this is a snippet from a larger piece I wrote about the Oklahoma City Bombing. My husband and his best friend were  fire fighters who worked the bombing. Neither were unscathed by the experience. 

Friday Fictioneer’s is a weekly challenge to write a complete story in 100 words or less based on a photo prompt. Thanks to Rochelle Wisoff-Fields for hosting this challenge and J. Hardy Carroll for this week’s prompt.

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