Sunday Photo Fiction – Never Goodbye

Sunday Photo Fiction – Never Goodbye


Photo Prompt by Al Forbes

Theirs’s was a romance that was never quite in synch.

They met by chance, in an off-the-beaten-path coffee shop, far from home. In that absent-minded way of his that she learned to love, he bumped into her, spilling coffee all over her blouse.

Embarrassed and apologetic, he offered to pay for the cleaning.

“Only if you have dinner with me,” she said. “Wear the bow-tie. It suits you.”

They hit it off at once, soul-mates one might say. Both were avid travelers, but their travels rarely took them to the same place. For many years they never knew when they would see each other again, but he was always there when she needed him.

Sadly, nothing lasts forever and they knew their time together was about to end. Trouble was, he did not like endings.

They met for the last time where it all began. She bought the coffee. He told her the only way he could accept her leaving was to believe they might see each other again someday.

“I must believe it is possible,” he said.

“What would you have me say?” she asked.

“Say good-bye as if you will be coming back.”

“Well then…See you around.”


Sunday Photo Fiction is a weekly challenge to write a short 200-word story inspired by a photograph. This week’s photo is provided by Al Forbes.  The final dialogue of this story was loosely taken from the May 18, 2013 Doctor Who episode called “The Name of the Doctor”, in which River Song and The Doctor say good-bye for the last time.

A Timely Mistake (Sunday Photo Fiction)

A Timely Mistake (Sunday Photo Fiction)


A little overdressed
photo credit: A Mixed Bag

“Well, this is awkward”

She told him the Merchant of Venice was her favorite Shakespearean play and to impress her, The Doctor decided to take his new companion to the very first performance at the court of King James. From the vast wardrobe aboard the Tardis, they chose elegant garb befitting of a royal performance. A perfect plan. Until they stepped out the door.

Something had gone terribly wrong.

The vast, sandy beach before them was dotted with large, multi-colored umbrellas. To the right, a long pier jetting out over a vast blue ocean. And to the left…

“Doctor… this does not look like 17th century London”

To the left stood a pot-bellied man wearing barely anything at all.

“A little overdressed wouldn’t you say.”

The man stood in front of a small shack, advertised by a large yellow surfboard with the words “Venice Beach – Nudity Preferred.” Noticing the man’s watch, the Doctor asked for the time. Two-oh-Five in the afternoon, or in military time, 16:05. A big mistake indeed.

Trying to make light of the situation, the Doctor asked his companion if she wanted to make the best of the situation. Her reaction told him it was time to look for a new companion.

My apologies to Doctor Who and really good fan fiction.

This story was inspired by Sunday Photo Fiction March 19, 2017