CB&W Photo Challenge – March 22, 2018

CB&W Photo Challenge – March 22, 2018

badgeThis week’s theme is ‘Facial Features’, either human or animal. I took a few liberties as you will see with the final photos. One thing this challenge showed me is that I don’t take many photos of people, and that is really too bad as people are what make photographs come alive. Worse than that, I rarely have my own photo taken. The one below is one of those rare moments (taken without my knowledge). We were in Cozumel, on a beach and I was having the time of my life as waves washed over my feet and legs.

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Fun at the beach

Every year, my son composes his annual digital Christmas card that he sends to all his friends. Every year has a different sort of theme. This was his nerdy 70’s look.

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My Son Danny

Animals often tell us a lot with their facial expressions.  This is a Capuchin monkey. I chose this one because of the eyes. To me, the look old and wise, but also innocent and trusting

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Capuchin monkey

I couldn’t not include my cat Mickey, who decided to leave home one day. This is my favorite photo of him. I love the expression in his eyes.

Mickey (1 of 1)

This is a stone angel that I photographed in a local cemetery with a prayerful look on her face.

Angel (1 of 1)
Cemetery angel

Lastly, the Selena Memorial in Corpus Christi Texas

Selena (1 of 1)
Selena Memorial


I hope you enjoyed my photos. Feel free to leave a comment and let me know what you think. ~~~Susancropped-susan


2 thoughts on “CB&W Photo Challenge – March 22, 2018

    1. Thank you kindly. I’m hoping next weeks won’t come from the archive. The weather is better and I’m ready to go out and about

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